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Academic year in a sentence

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Sentence count:55+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: academicacademicismacademicianacademicallyacademic institutionacademiaacademismacademyMeaning: n. the period of time each year when the school is open and people are studying. 
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1) The academic year commences at the beginning of October.
2) The academic year is divided into two terms.
3) The academic year runs from October to June.
4) The academic year starts September 3.
5) She entered into a fresh contract each academic year.
6) Applications for the next academic year should be in before 30 March 1992.
7) In this academic year the Department of Education and Science has also provided additional guidance to institutions administering the access funds.
8) The end of the academic year is another high-pressure time, he says.
9) The end of the academic year in 1987 brought many disappointments for graduating students.
10) In the academic year 1990/91, work by the staff of the Department led to two national awards.
11) In the next academic year the Tutoring Scheme is to be extended throughout the University.
12) In the last academic year it published 23 major articles, and produced 26 papers in its Discussion Paper series.
13) The regents Monday estimated that during the 1995-96 academic year, his total compensation package was $ 837,( year.html) 113.
14) Changes in the academic year are also envisaged, with extra students being accommodated in a series of semesters.
15) The students return in October for the start of the new academic year.
16) In 1986, 38 students were enrolled on to the parallel track, but during the next academic year something unexpected happened.
17) The Volunteers' first three months on the job coincided with the last three months of the 1962 academic year.
18) Students take three compulsory core units and four optional units in each academic year.
19) The Counselling Service offers a number of group workshops and skills acquisition classes during the academic year.
20) Good Luck with your enrolment and the start of the new academic year - see you in October.
21) He also has accepted a visiting lecturer position at Stanford University for the academic year starting in the fall.
22) The following comments relate to the 1988 edition[], which contains data from the academic year 1986-87.
23) On April 7 the government ordered the closure of all schools and the university, and declared the current academic year invalid.
24) Hon. Members will be aware that the access fund allocations for the current academic year have already been made.
25) School officials hope to put the stricter promotion standards into place this academic year.
26) School groups monitor the performance of the shares throughout the academic year and write a report explaining their choices and decisions.
27) In addition many courses involve periods of unpaid professional practice and work experience within the academic year.
28) The paper was discussed by branches and Federations during the academic year 1956-57 and at the District Council of July 1957.
29) Math scores were even lower. School officials hope to put the stricter promotion standards into place this academic year.
30) He had become Director of the school at the start of that academic year.
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